Mathematics for computer scientists

Note: this module is variously advertised as MSM1F3 or "Mathematics and Logic A". Most of the content here has been generated by scanning OHP slides, and problem sheets. Some of the files are quite large. Some of the examples and exercises are taken from the course text book, Discrete Mathematics by Amanda Chetwynd and Peter Diggle, which is strongly recommended. (Full details are given below.)


The lecturers are Dr Richard Kaye, and Dr Tony Gardiner,

Revision notes

For special final revision notes please click HERE.

Problem sheets

Sheet 1: answers page 1, page 2.

Sheet 2, Qs -1 and 0 and Sheet 2, Qs 1-8: answers page 1, page 2.

Sheet 3: answers page 1, page 2.

Sheet 4: answers page 1, page 2.

Sheet 5: answers page 1, page 2.

Sheet 6: answers page 1, page 2.

Sheet 7: answers page 1, page 2.

Sheet 8: answers page 1, page 2.

Sheet 9: answers page 1, page 2, page 3.

Sheet 10: answers not yet available yet. Some of these questions go beyond the course syllabus. See the textbook for definitions, etc., not given in lectures.

Midterm test, with answers: page1; page2; page3.

End of term test, with answers: page1; page2; page3; page4;

OHP slides from lectures


Decimal Notation

Decimal Expansion

Exact Decimals

Square Roots



New sets from old



Set products and power sets

Partions and Equivalence relations (1)

Partions and Equivalence relations (2)

Partial Orders

Linear Orders


Composition and Inverses of Functions

Introduction to Induction

More examples of Induction (including the proof that every natural number greater than 1 is prime or a product of primes, and that every finite partial order can be refined to a linear order)

Combinatorics and counting

More on combinatorics and counting

Introduction to graphs

Please see the PDF notes (given below) on graphs as well.

Summer 2003 exam

Unfortunately, it is not possible to put up on-line here an exact copy of Section A of the exam set for Summer 2003 but I can provide a PDF file which is very close to that section of the paper students sat then. Please click the link to view!

Additional notes

Algebra of sets

Equivalence relations

Counting and combinatorics


Other information

Recommended textbook : Discrete Mathematics by Amanda Chetwynd and Peter Diggle. Paperback - 219 pages (17 August, 1995) Butterworth-Heinemann; ISBN: 0340610476.

These pages are written by Richard Kaye please email me about any inaccuracies you may find in these pages.