School of Mathematics, University of Birmingham

Andrew Treglown

    Research talks
  • Almost perfect packings in graphs.
    Combinatorics seminar, University of Birmingham, January 25th 2007.
  • Hamiltonian degree sequences in directed graphs .
    Combinatorics seminar, University of Birmingham, February 11th 2008.
  • Hamiltonian degree sequences in digraphs .
    Talk at the London Mathematical Society Graduate Student & Society Meeting, University College London, July 4th 2008.
  • Hamiltonian degree sequences in digraphs .
    Talk at the Postgraduate Combinatorial Conference, University of Warwick, July 23rd 2008.
  • Hamiltonian degree sequences in digraphs . (Slides)
    Talk at the Fete of Combinatorics and Computer Science, Keszthely, Hungary, August 11th 2008.
  • Ore-type conditions for perfect packings in graphs .
    Combinatorics seminar, University of Birmingham, October 9th 2008.
  • Perfect packings in graphs . (Slides)
    Talk at Beyond Part III, University of Cambridge, April 17th 2009.
  • Approaching Kelly's conjecture . (Slides)
    Talk at Techniques and Problems in Graph Theory, University of Bristol, July 1st 2009.
  • An Ore-type theorem for perfect packings in graphs . (Slides)
    Talk at the British Combinatorial Conference, University of St Andrews, July 9th 2009.
  • Hamilton decompositions of regular tournaments .
    Combinatorics seminar, University of Birmingham, October 16th 2009.
  • Approaching Kelly's conjecture .
    Combinatorics seminar, University of Cambridge, October 22nd 2009.
  • Hamilton cycles in directed graphs .(Slides)
    Combinatorics seminar, Freie Universität Berlin, January 22nd 2010.
  • Approaching Kelly's conjecture .
    Talk at SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Austin, Texas, June 14th 2010.
  • Graph Theory for Biologists .(Slides)
    Talk at Exploring Interactions between Mathematics, Biology and Computer Science, University of Birmingham, June 24th 2010.
  • Approaching Kelly's conjecture .
    Talk at 8th French Combinatorial Conference, University of Paris Sud, July 1st 2010.
  • Minors in expanding graphs .
    Talk at DIMAP Workshop on Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics, Petersfield, Hampshire, July 24th 2010.
  • Matchings in 3-uniform hypergraphs .(Slides)
    Talk at Workshop on Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics, Frauenchiemsee, Germany, August 24th 2010.
  • Bipartite graph tiling.
    Combinatorics seminar, University of Birmingham, October 26th 2010.
  • Matchings in 3-uniform hypergraphs .
    Combinatorics seminar, University of Warwick, November 4th 2010.
  • Hamilton cycles in directed graphs.
    Combinatorics seminar, Georgia State University, Atlanta, March 14th 2011.
  • Hamilton cycles in directed graphs.
    Combinatorics seminar, University of Illinois at Chicago, April 6th 2011.
  • Matchings in 3-uniform hypergraphs .
    Graph theory and combinatorics seminar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April 12th 2011.
  • Matchings in 3-uniform hypergraphs .
    Combinatorics Conference in Lisboa (CCL 2011), Portugal, July 11th 2011.
  • Matchings in 3-uniform hypergraphs of large minimum vertex degree.
    EUROCOMB 2011, Budapest, Hungary, August 30th 2011.
  • Embedding spanning subgraphs via degree sequence conditions.
    Noon Lecture, Charles University, October 27th 2011.
  • Embedding spanning subgraphs via degree sequence conditions.(Slides)
    Department of Computer Science seminar, Masaryk University, November 3rd 2011.
  • Embedding spanning bipartite graphs of small bandwidth.
    Graph theory seminar, University of West Bohemia, November 22nd 2011.
  • Perfect packings in dense graphs .
    Combinatorics seminar, Freie Universität Berlin, December 2nd 2011.
  • Embedding spanning bipartite graphs of small bandwidth.
    Bertinoro Workshop on Algorithms and Graphs, Italy, December 13th 2011.
  • Minimum degree thresholds for perfect matchings in hypergraphs.
    Combinatorics seminar, University of Birmingham, January 19th 2012.
  • Embedding spanning bipartite graphs of small bandwidth.
    Graph theory and combinatorics seminar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, March 6th 2012.
  • Minimum degree thresholds for perfect matchings in hypergraphs.
    DIMAP seminar, University of Warwick, March 23rd 2012.
  • Embedding spanning bipartite graphs of small bandwidth.
    Workshop on Probabilistic methods in Graph theory, University of Birmingham, March 27th 2012.
  • Monochromatic trianges in three-coloured graphs.(Slides)
    Workshop on Cycles and Colourings, High Tatras, Slovakia, September 10th 2012.
  • Perfect matchings in hypergraphs.(Slides)
    Mathematics seminar, Birkbeck, University of London, December 5th 2012.
  • Yet another talk on perfect matchings in hypergraphs.
    Combinatorics study group, Queen Mary, University of London, February 15th 2013.
  • More on perfect matchings in hypergraphs.(Slides)
    DIMAP seminar, University of Warwick, February 26th 2013.
  • Minimum degree thresholds for perfect matchings in hypergraphs.
    Seminar on Discrete Mathematics and Game Theory, LSE, May 2nd 2013.
  • Tight minimum degree conditions forcing perfect matchings in uniform hypergraphs.(Slides)
    EUROCOMB 2013, Pisa, Italy, September 11th 2013.
  • On generalisations of the Hajnal-Szemerédi theorem.
    Combinatorics seminar, University of Szeged, Hungary, April 11th 2014.
  • On generalisations of the Hajnal-Szemerédi theorem.(Slides)
    ICMS Workshop on Extremal Combinatorics, July 17th 2014.
  • The number of maximal sum-free subsets of integers.(Slides)
    AMS Sectional Meeting, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, September 20th 2014.
  • The number of maximal sum-free subsets of integers.
    Combinatorics seminar, University of Cambridge, November 27th 2014.
  • Perfect packings in graphs and directed graphs.(Slides)
    Algorithms and Complexity seminar, University of Durham, February 3rd 2015.
  • On degree sequences forcing the square of a Hamilton cycle.
    Graph theory and combinatorics seminar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April 14th 2015.
  • On degree sequences forcing the square of a Hamilton cycle. (Slides)
    AMS Sectional Meeting, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, April 18th 2015.
  • Maximal sum-free subsets in the integers. (Slides)
    Scottish Combinatorics Meeting, University of Glasgow, April 30th 2015.
  • A random version of Sperner's theorem. (Slides)
    British Combinatorial Conference, University of Warwick, July 9th 2015.
  • A sharp bound on the number of maximal sum-free sets. (Slides)
    EUROCOMB 2015, Bergen, Norway, September 3rd 2015.
  • On solution-free sets of integers. (Slides)
    Graph theory and combinatorics seminar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April 12th 2016.
  • Maximal sum-free subsets in the integers. (Slides)
    Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory (CANT 2016), New York, May 26th 2016.
  • Exact minimum codegree threshold for K^-_4-factors. (Slides)
    SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Atlanta, Georgia, June 7th 2016.
  • On sum-free and solution-free sets of integers. (Slides)
    Graph theory seminar, University of Bordeaux, October 7th 2016.
  • Independent sets in hypergraphs and Ramsey properties of graphs and the integers.
    DIMAP seminar, University of Warwick, November 1st 2016.
  • The Complexity of Perfect Matchings and Packings in Dense Hypergraphs.
    Combinatorial Theory seminar, University of Oxford, March 7th 2017.
  • Ramsey properties of the Erdos–Renyi graph and random sets of integers. (Slides)
    Queen Mary-LSE Colloquia in Combinatorics, May 10th 2017.
  • An improved lower bound for Folkman's theorem.
    Recent advances in Extremal Combinatorics workshop, Sanya, China, May 25th 2017.
  • Independent sets in hypergraphs and Ramsey properties of graphs and the integers.
    Meeting of the Catalan, Spanish, Swedish Math Societies, Umea University, June 12th 2017.
  • An improved lower bound for Folkman's theorem. (Slides)
    British Combinatorial Conference, Glasgow, July 6th 2017.
  • The Complexity of Perfect Matchings and Packings in Dense Hypergraphs. (Slides)
    Random Structures and Algorithms, Gniezno, August 8th 2017.
  • Tilings in graphs and directed graphs. (Slides)
    Conference on Extremal Combinatorics, University of Warwick, September 21st 2017.
  • On sum-free and solution-free sets of integers. (Slides)
    Methods for discrete structures Colloquium, TU Berlin, October 23rd 2017.
  • The Complexity of Perfect Matchings and Packings in Dense Hypergraphs.
    Combinatorics seminar, FU Berlin, October 25th 2017.
  • Tilings in graphs and directed graphs. (Slides)
    Workshop on Extremal Graph Theory and Ramsey Theory, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, January 16th 2018.
  • Tilings in graphs and directed graphs.
    Algebra, Combinatorics, Measure seminar, University of Lancaster, February 5th 2018.
  • Some results on sums in the integers.
    Combinatorics seminar, University of Bristol, March 27th 2018.
  • A bandwidth theorem for locally dense graphs.
    Combinatorics seminar, Umea University, May 23rd 2018.
  • A bandwidth theorem for locally dense graphs.
    Workshop on Large networks and random graphs , Goethe Universität, Frankfurt, July 13th 2018.
  • Embeddings in graphs via degree sequence conditions. (Slides)
    1st Southwestern German Workshop on Graph Theory, Karlsruhe, August 27th 2018.
  • A degree sequence Komlos theorem.
    Combinatorics seminar, Freie Universität Berlin, April 10th 2019.
  • Existence thresholds in random posets.
    Random Structures and Algorithms, Zurich, July 16th 2019.
  • Sum-free sets in the integers.
    Pure Mathematics Seminar, Royal Holloway, October 2nd 2019.
  • Vertex Ramsey properties of randomly perturbed graphs.
    Combinatorics seminar, Umea University, October 16th 2019.
  • Open problems talk for graduate students.
    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, October 29th 2019.
  • A bandwidth theorem for locally dense graphs.
    Combinatorics seminar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, October 29th 2019.
  • Embedding spanning structures into vertex-ordered graphs.
    Graph Theory Seminar, Georgia Tech, December 1st 2020.
  • Extremal problems for multigraphs.
    Combinatorics Study Group, Queen Mary University of London, April 16th 2021.
  • Extremal problems for multigraphs.
    TU Graz combinatorics and optimization seminar, April 30th 2021.
  • Embedding spanning structures into vertex-ordered graphs.
    Discrete Seminar, Umea University, May 20th 2021.
  • Colour-bias problems for dense graphs.
    British Combinatorial Conference, July 9th 2021.
  • Extremal problems for multigraphs.
    Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences Combinatorics Seminar, July 15th 2021.
  • Maximal sum-free sets in abelian groups.
    Discrete Seminar, Umea University, September 16th 2021.
  • Tilings in graphs.
    Combinatorics Colloquium, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April 14th 2022.
  • Tilings in graphs.
    Computer Science Department Colloquium, Ariel University, May 25th 2022.
  • Ramsey-type Results for Randomly Perturbed Graphs.
    Pirate workshop on randomly perturbed (hyper)graphs, June 17th 2022.
  • Complete subgraphs in a multipartite graph.
    Third Southwestern German Workshop on Graph Theory, June 27th 2022.
  • Complete subgraphs in a multipartite graph.
    29th British Combinatorial Conference, University of Lancaster, July 11th 2022.
  • The induced saturation problem for posets.
    Mathematics Colloquium, Georgia State University, September 16th 2022.
  • The induced saturation problem for posets.
    Combinatorial Mathematics Society of Australasia Seminar, May 16th 2023.
  • Three lectures on the Absorbing Method.
    Summer School in Graph Coloring, May 23-36 2023.
  • The induced saturation problem for posets.
    Invited talk at EXCILL IV: Extremal Combinatorics at Illinois, May 27th 2023.
  • Cycles of every length and orientation in randomly perturbed digraphs. (Slides)
    EUROCOMB 2023, Prague, September 1st 2023.
  • Tilings in graphs.
    Combinatorics Seminar, Ningbo University, China, June 20th 2024.
  • Powers of Hamilton cycles in oriented and directed graphs.
    30th British Combinatorial Conference, Queen Mary University of London, July 5th 2024.