2NP/2NP3: Week 3

1. Work and web pages for week 3

Topics for week 3. In labs, you will continue to work on register machines for SA2. In lectures you will start to learn the official C++ syntax, and the details of "floating point" numbers in C++.

Starting C++. Here is the list of essential reading for this week, examples and exercise and lab work.

Additional background on C++. Some students will be asking "Why is C++ the way it is?" The answer is not easy to give at this stage of the course, because the answer requires knowledge you don't have just yet. The following three pages attempt to give an answer. You should get a general idea from all these pages, but may not fully appreciate all the details at this stage. (However, if you are willing to take this on trust at this stage you can skip the reading of these pages until later.)

2. Assessments for week 3

The deadline for SA2 is at the end of the week. Details are on Canvas. If you have time you should be able to make a start on SA3 this week.