Computer labs start in the first week of term, and are on Monday 28th September at 9-11am, 11am-1pm, 4pm-6pm and also on Tuesday 29 September 9-11am. They will continue after that every FORTNIGHT. All sessions are in LG04 in the learning centre. ALL students taking a module in maths must go to ONE of these sessions, do the work that will be given out there and see the first year director or one of his deputies, who will check your registrations are in order and who can explain any further details of the timetable and answer any other queries you may have.
The session you should go to will be indicated on the notice board in the Watson Building outside LRA. Make sure that you know your student ID number, your university username and your password for the first session. Joint honours students and all students NOT taking single honours maths are asked to also bring your timetable to the session.
If you really cannot attend at the required time,
see the year director or attend at Tuesday 9am when
there should be some free places. It is very important
to attend one of these sessions as it is the only way we
have of knowing that you have turned up
and are serious
about your studies.
Richard Kaye, Director of First Year
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