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British Early Career Mathematicians' Colloquium
21st - 22nd July 2022

The British Early Career Mathematicians' Colloquium aims to consolidate the network among early career researchers and postgraduate students from across the country, particulary those studying branches of Mathematics prominent at our university - Algebra, Analysis, Combinatorics, Applied Mathematics, Optimisation and Statistics. This two-day event will be divided into two parallel sessions (Pure Mathematics and Applied Mathematics/Optimisation/Statistics), each with plenary speakers as well as contributed postgraduate talks. For the first time since the creation of the conference, we are pleased to announce that this year the conference will be having a session on the History of Mathematics.
The websites for previous BECMC meetings can be viewed here - (2015), (2016), (2018), (2019), (2020), (2021) .
Call for abstracts
Postgraduate students working in any field of Mathematics are encouraged to submit an abstract for a short talk (20 minutes + questions). This includes students from the UK as well as abroad. The submission deadline is the 20th of May.
Guidelines for abstract submission: Please send the title and abstract for your talk as either a TeX file or, if there are no formulas or mathematical symbols, in the body of your email. Please try to limit your abstract to 1000 characters or less. Literature references will not be included in the book of abstracts. Send submissions to We will let you know whether your talk has been accepted by the 23rd of June.