British Early Career Mathematicians' Colloquium

15th - 16th July 2021

Conference PhotoParticipants at BECMC 2021 (virtual colloquium).

The British Early Career Mathematicians' Colloquium aims to consolidate the network among early career researchers and postgraduate students from across the country, particulary those studying branches of mathematics prominent at our univeristy - algebra, analysis, combinatorics, applied mathematics and optimisation. This two-day event will be divided into two parallel sessions (pure mathematics and applied mathematics/optimisation), each with plenary speakers as well as contributed postgraduate talks.

The websites for previous BECMC meetings can be viewed here - (2015), (2016), (2018), (2019), (2020) .


The conference has already taken place. We hope to see you next year!

Abstract Booklet

Please find the abstract booklet here.


It was our pleasure to have the following as invited speakers:

Pure Maths
Applied Maths
A full programme is avalible here.


The committee recognises that the standard of access at academic conferences across the UK is largely unacceptable. Our team worked to improve this within our capabilities for the 2020 colloquium and will continue to do so for all future events. If you have any queries regarding accessibility or anything else, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Email -


Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 and restriction in place at the time, this year's colloquium took place online.

Contact us


Organising Committee:
Ricky Hutchins
Amarja Kathapurkar
Bradly Deeley
Andrew Mitchell
Eoin O'Brien
Jordan Chellig


BECMC 2021 would not be possible without the support of the MAGIC network and the School of Mathematics, University of Birmingham.