M   E   T   A   |
Mathematical Ecology: Theory and Applications |
Joint Research Group in the UK - LMS Scheme 3 |
Organisers:   Natalia Petrovskaya,   Edward Codling,   Sergei Petrovskii |
The joint research group META is hosted by the Schools of Mathematics at the University of Birmingham, the University of Essex and the University of Leicester. The META meetings are partially funded by the three host institutions, by the London Mathematical Society and by the Institute of Mathematics & its Applications. The goal of the META research group is threefold. The first objective is to enhance communication between members of various mathematical ecology research groups in the UK. Several key themes in mathematical ecology have been indentified for the META programme and information exchange at the meetings should lead to better apprehension of what progress has recently been made in these key topics. As a result of META meetings participants will also be able to better understand how their work fits into current mainstream research in mathematical ecology. Secondly, at META workshops general ecological problems are discussed from different viewpoints. This will facilitate the creation of new research collaborations between people who use different mathematical techniques while working on similar ecological problems. The enormous complexity of ecosystems can only be understood and successfully modelled when applied mathematicians, statisticians, theoretical ecologists and empiricists work together on design and validation of reliable mathematical tools. Thirdly, META events contribute to high quality training of PhD students in mathematical ecology. The structure of each META workshop ensures that several contributed talks are delivered by PhD students. In addition, the META organisers strongly encourage early-stage PhD students to attend the event. META meetings are open to everyone and the registration for the workshops is free. |
Information about META workshops in 2015-16 can be found here |
META workshop "Mathematical Methods for Complex Ecological Systems " |
Summary: Ecological complexity has several different components (spatial, temporal, structural, behavioural etc.) and each of them requires application of a different variety of mathematical techniques. This workshop will be mostly focused on advanced mathematical topics related to spatiotemporal models of ecosystem dynamics. Topics include (but not limited to) the control theory for ecological applications, movement ecology, and uncertainty and structural sensitivity in models of population dynamics. Keynote speakers: Jonathan Pitchford (University of York), Stuart Townley (University of Exeter) Invited speakers: Dmitri Finkelshtein (Swansea University), Nick Isaac (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology), Irene Moroz (Oxford University), Andrew Morozov (University of Leicester), Kam Tang (Swansea University)
Date: 16 December 2016 Further information about this event is available here |
META workshop "Uncertainty and Predictability in Ecology" |
Summary: The workshop will focus on the issues arising at the interplay between uncertainty, complexity and predictability of ecological dynamics. Talks and discussions will consider a range of relevant problem in various specific ecological contexts. The workshop scope is inclusive rather than exclusive, so that certain deviations from the main theme are expected and, in fact, encouraged. Keynote speakers: Robert Holt (University of Florida, USA), Ludek Berec (Institute of Entomology, Budejovice, Czech Republic) Invited speakers: Axel Rossberg (Queen Mary University of London, UK), Natalia Petrovskaya (University of Birmingham, UK), Sergei Petrovskii (University of Leicester, UK), Max Souza (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil)
Date: 06 April 2017 Further information about this event is available here |
Summary: Various models of spatio-temporal population dynamics will be discussed where special attention will be paid to dispersal and spatial patterns of population. Topics include (but not limited to) mechanisms of ecological pattern formation, pattern detection and recognition, and control of spatial spread of invasive species. Invited speakers: Daniel Bearup (University of Kent), Tilo Burghardt (University of Bristol), Jaqueline Da Silva (Federal University of Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valey & University of Leicester) , Meurig Gallagher (University of Birmingham), Andrew Morozov (University of Leicester), Ivo Siekmann (Liverpool John Moores University), Paolo Tilles (Federal University of Santa Maria & University of Leicester) Presentations by PhD students: John Ellis (University of Birmingham), Simran Sandhu (University of Leicester), Wenxin Zhang (University of Birmingham), Anna Zincenko (University of Leicester) Location: School of Mathematics, University of Birmingham Date: 13 December 2017 Further information about this event is available here |
© 2015-2017  N.B.Petrovskaya |