About Me

I am a Lecturer in Applied Mathematics within the School of Mathematics at the University of Birmingham. I took up my position here in 2010. Prior to this I had completed my PhD and Research Fellowship at the same institution. I teach the third year module Perturbation Theory and also first year Mechanics module
I am also the Director of Admissions within the School of Mathematics.
My Research
My research interests lie primarily with instability in free surface flows and in particular the rupture of liquid jets and sheets. At present I am involved in a variety of different research areas.These include modelling Hydrogen Fuel Cells and particle interactions with applications to food manufacturing.
My Phd was concerned with controlling breakup and droplet formation in liquid jets.
If you are interested in doing a M.Sci, M.Phil or PhD with me then please feel free to contact me.
My Contact Details
- Telephone : 0121 414 6578
- Email: J.Uddin@bham.ac.uk
- Office: Room 229a, Watson Building.