Sequences and series: exercise sheet 2


The sequence ( ) is defined by 0=2 and +1=1+ 2 . Prove by induction on that =1+12 for all and hence show that 1 as .


Let 0=1, 1=1, and for =0,1,2,3, , let +2=1+ + +1 7 .

(a) Show that

+2 -15=17 -15 + +1-15

Hence, using the induction hypothesis, () :


show that 15 for all .

(b) Use (a) above and an additional induction on to show that

0 -15 2 12

for all .

(c) Since 12 0 as (from elsewhere in the webpages) we have

0 12

Use this together with (b) to prove directly from the definition of convergence for ( ) that 15 as .


Either by quoting theorems on boundedness, subsequences, uniqueness of limits, or anything else from the course so far, or by arguing directly from the definition, prove that the following sequences do not converge to any limit.

=2 ; =(-1) 10000000+1 ; = 3 4 ; = 2 .