Construction of the natural numbers

1. The idea

Intuitively, we construct the natural numbers when we write down expressions 0, 0+1, 0+1+1, and so on, and then consider the set of objects that can be written down with this recipe. This seems to contain a circularity, for the definition of our set of natural numbers would seem to be be the collection of all 0+1++1 with a natural number of 1s; fortunately there is a way round this problem.


Choose to be some fixed infinite universe of objects, and be an injection which is not a surjection, so ()=() implies = for all , but some is not equal to () for any . Fix some such and call this zero or 0. Now let +1 be () , and define the set of natural numbers =0,(0),((0)) ,(((0))) , by

= 0 ()

where the big means to take the intersection of all sets inside the set of sets. For we define +1 to be () .

For particularly suspicious readers, we should give an example of a suitable and . We can take to be the collection of all sets, and ()= . Then () for all so is not in the range of , hence we may take 0 to be . (It is somewhat harder to prove that this is an injection.) Using this we have 1=(0)= = =0 , 2=(1)= = , =0,1 , 3=(2)= , , =0,1,2 and so on.

2. Induction and inductive definitions

Principle of Induction.


is a property such that


, i.e., 0 has property

, and (



. Then




Let be the set of elements of that have property

, i.e., =


. Then is an example of a set with 0 () and so since the definition of is that it is the intersection of all such sets with this property. So every natural number is in and hence each has



Principle of Inductive Definitions.

A definition of the following kind, (0)= 0 and (+1)=(,()) , defines a function on .


Let be the set of natural numbers for which is well-defined. Then 0 as (0)= 0 is well-defined and if then is well-defined so is (,()) and hence so is (+1)=(,()) well-defined, so +1=() . Therefore is an example of a set with 0 () and so = as (by definition of ) every natural number is in any such set . So is well-defined.


For a natural number we define ()=+ inductively by +0= (0)= and +(+1)= (+1)= ()+1=(+)+1 . We write if there is a natural number such that += .

3. Technical propositions

There follows a long sequence of propositions proving (by induction) that + and have the expected properties. Skip the proofs on first reading if you wish.


The following holds for all ,, : (+)+=+(+) .


Induction on . Base case: (+)+0=+=+(+0) . Induction step: (+)+(+1)=((+)+)+1=(+(+))+1 by the induction hypothesis, so (+)+(+1)=+((+)+1)=+(+(+1)) .


The following holds for all : =0+ .


Induction on . Base case: 0+0=0. Induction step: +1=(0+)+1=0+(+1) .


The following holds for all , : +=+ .


Induction on . Base case: +0==0+ using the previous proposition. Induction step: +(+1)=(+)+1=(+)+1 by the induction hypothesis, so +(+1)=+(+1) as required.


The following holds for all : 0 =+1 .


Induction on : Base case: 00 0=+1 is trivially true as 00 is false and any implication 00 is therefore true. Now assume 0 =+1 and consider +1. Then either =0 in which case +1=0+1 and we are finished with =0, or 0 so =+1 for some hence +1=(+1)+1 and we are done with =+1 .


The following holds for all ,, : +=+ = .


Induction on . For =0 note that if +0=+0 then = as +0= and +0= by definition. Now assume +(+1)=+(+1) , so (+)+1=(+)+1 by definition of +. But the +1 operation on is one-to-one so this implies +=+ which implies = by the induction hypothesis.


The following holds for all , : +=0 =0 .


If 0 then =+1 for some so 0=+(+1)=(+)+1 which is impossible as 0 is not in the image of the function on , so 0 cannot equal +1 for any .


The following holds for all , : += =0 .


Induction on . The base case is that 0+=0 implies =0, which is true as 0+=+0= by previous propositions. If (+1)+=+1 then (+)+1=+1 and as the function taking + to (+)+1 is one-to-one it follows that += and hence by the induction hypothesis =0.


The following holds for all ,, : ( ) .


If then there are , with =+ and =+ . So =(+)+=+(+) by associativity, so .


The following holds for all ,, : ( ) = .


If then += and += for some , . Thus =(+)+=+(+) and so +=0 , ==0 and hence = by previous parts.


The following holds for all , : .


Induction on . For =0 note that 0 as 0+= by a previous proposition. Now assume . Then =+ for some . If =0 then = and +1 as =+1 . On the other hand, if 0 and =+ then =+1 for some , by a previous proposition, so =+=+(+1)=(+1)+ by commutativity and associativity, hence . Finally, assume , so += for some . Then +(+1)=(+)+1=+1 so (+1) .

4. Subtraction


If , and then there is a unique such that += .


Existence is by induction on . If =0 then 0+= so we may take = . For the induction step, given += and +1 then 0 (for else = and so +1=+0 hence 1=0 which is impossible as it would mean 0 is in the range of the +1 function). Then =+1 for some and +(+1)= , so satisfies (+1)+= , as required.

For uniqueness suppose, +=+= . Then +=+ so = by a previous proposition.


If we write - for the unique such that += .

5. Least number principle

We also make the usual definitions concerning : we say if and or if and and can also justify the least number principle.

Least number principle.

Suppose there is some with a property

. Then there is a least 0 in with



Let =


, the set of such that every smaller fails to have

. We use to show that there is a least number satisfying



Suppose there is some satisfying




Suppose there is no least satisfying



Then 0 since 0


since 0


holds because 0 is false.

Also if !math X then if


hold it would mean that is the least element satisfying


, since all have


because . This is impossible by our assumption, so therefore


, and hence +1 is in .

It follows by induction that , and this clearly implies that


, contradicting our assumption that there is some with



This proves by contradiction, that there is a least with

