Groups and Symmetries:

A conference in celebration of Rob Curtis' 60th birthday

Thursday 20th–Saturday 22nd September 2007

School of Mathematics

University of Birmingham

John Bray (Queen Mary)

Arjeh Cohen (Eindhoven)

Paul Flavell (Birmingham)

Sasha Ivanov (Imperial)

Wilhelm Plesken (Aachen)

Johannes Siemons (UEA)

Chiara Tamburini (Brescia)

Richard Weiss (Tufts)

Rob Wilson (Queen Mary)

Francois Zara (Amiens)

Here are some photos from the conference dinner.

The conference will start after lunch on Thursday 20th September and finish at lunchtime on Saturday 22nd September.
A list of titles and abstracts

List of participants

If you are interested in attending, then please contact Rebecca Waldecker (waldeckr(at) We will help to arrange accommodation for participants that register early (before 7th September). Please let us know if you would like us to book accommodation for you. There is a registration fee of £30 (research students exempt).

A list of hotels near to the university

There is funding available to support travel and accommodation expenses of UK-based postgraduate students. Please contact Rebecca Waldecker (waldeckr(at) if you wish to apply for this funding. There is a deadline of 7th September to apply.

Organizers: Simon Goodwin, Corneliu Hoffman, Chris Parker and Rebecca Waldecker.
Supported by the London Mathematical Society
London Mathematical Society
Last Modified: Monday, September 24, 2007