Midlands Logic Seminar 2012

The seminar is at Birmingham University. We meet in 221 Watson Building for tea from 3pm to 3.30pm and formal sessions are in room 222 next door. Directions for getting to Birmingham and links to campus maps are HERE.

Where indicated, PDFs of slides, or other supporting documents may be found by following the link.

Programme for Spring/Summer 2012

The theme is "Arithmetic and Complexity Theory". There will be regular study groups on the theme and research seminars which may or may not be linked to this theme.

The original announcement with further details and plans for the remaining sessions is HERE.

Contact details

Richard Kaye School of Mathematics The University of Birmingham Edgbaston Birmingham, B15 2TT, U.K., Fax: +44 121 414 3389

or email at R.W.Kaye AT bham.ac.uk or rwkaye AT gmail.com