R.W.Kaye and R.A.Wilson - Linear Algebra

Linear algebra, by R.W.Kaye and R.A.Wilson, can be obtained from all good bookshops, or from the publishers, Oxford University Press as a paperback (ISBN 0198502370) or hardback (ISBN 0198502389).

From the review in the Mathematical Gazette, March 1999:
`Familiarity is apt to dull the senses when reviewing mainstream texts such as this one, but make no mistake, this is a clearly and carefully written book that lecturers could easily lecture from and learners readily learn from: it merits a wide circulation.'

From the review in the Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, July 1999:
`... this book can be strongly recommended.'


The following errors and misprints have already been found. If you have found any others, please email me at R.W.Kaye AT bham.ac.uk.

A (possibly less up to date) version of this list is also available as a LaTeX file, a dvi file, and a PDF file.

Contact addresses

Dr. R.W.Kaye (Senior Lecturer in Pure Mathematics)
School of Mathematics and Statistics
The University of Birmingham
Birmingham B15 2TT

Prof. R.A.Wilson (Professor of Pure Mathematics)
School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary, University of London
Mile End Road
London E1 4NS

Last updated 2nd January 2012.