Members Seminars - Applied Mathematics - Pure Mathematics |
Karl H. Hofmann
Mathematical Institute
Birmingham Mathematical Institute is supported by the University of
Birmingham College of Engineering and Physical Sciences to promote
mathematics research in pure and applied mathematics, statistics and
their multidisciplinary applications. On this page we
visitors, conferences and activities supported by the Institute as well
as other mathematical meetings and visitors across the campus.
Future Meetings 2nd IMA Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimisation: 13-15 September 2010 Organisers: Michal Kocvara and Daniel Loghin British Logic Colloquium: 2-4 September 2010 Organiser: Eike Ritter (Computer Science) LMS Popular Lectures 2010: 29 September 2010 Organiser: Chris Sangwin BAMC 2011: 11-13 April 2011 Organisers:
David Needham, Michael Grove, Tomas
Johansson, John Leach, David
Daniel Loghin, David Smith and Jamal Uddin LMS Midlands regional meeting on representation theory in modern mathematics: Tuesday 14 June 2011 LMS workshop on representation theory: 15-18 June 2011 Organisers: Simon Goodwin (Birmingham) and Dmitriy Rumynin (Warwick) Geometric presentations of finite and infinite groups: 17-23 July 2011 Organisers: Ralf Gramlich, Kay Magaard, Chris Parker, and Sergey Shpectorov |
Past Meetings Group Theory Day: 26 April 2010 Organiser: Paul Flavell Exploring Interactions in Mathematics, Biology and Computer Science: 24 June 2010 Organiser: Andy Barwell 13th Galway Topology Colloquium: 13-15 July 2010 Organiser: Andy Barwell and Lylah Haynes Recent trends in applied inverse problems: 19-20 July 2010 Organiser: Tomas Johansson |
Visitors Dr Alexander Konovalov, St Andrews, February 2010 visiting Sergey Shpectorov. Dr Tung Le, Aberdeen, regular visits 2010, visiting Kay Magaard. Prof Brian Raines, Baylor, Texas, 16 - 23 February visiting Andy Barwell and Chris Good. Dr Rebecca Waldecker, Halle, March and September 2010, visiting Chris Parker and Paul Flavell. Dr Daniel Ralph, Cambridge, March 2010, visiting Michal Kocvara. Dr Didier Henrion, CNRS Toulouse, regular visits 2010, visiting Michal Kocvara. Dr Paul Levy, Lancaster, April 2010 visiting Simon Goodwin. Professor Richard Weiss, Tufts, May 2010, visiting Chris Parker. Professor Elmas Irmak, Bowling Green, USA, May 2010 visiting Sergey Shpectorov. Professor Helmut Volklein, Essen, June 2010, visiting Kay Magaard. Dr Inna Capdeboscq, Warwick, regular visits 2010, visiting Chris Parker. Professor George Glauberman, Chicago, April 2010, visiting Paul Flavell. Professor Peter Rowley, Manchester, regular visits 2010, visiting Chris Parker. Dr Alina Vdovina, Newacastle, regular visits 2010, visiting Corneliu Hoffman. Dr Rieuwert Blok, Bowling Green, USA July 2010, visiting Corneliu Hoffman. Professor Sergio Macias, UNAM Mexico City, Mexico, 5-23 July 2010 visiting Chirs Good and Lylah Haynes. Dr Paul Levy, Lancaster, August 2010 visiting Ralf Gramlich. Professor Paul Kenis, Urbana Champagne, USA, September 2010, visiting Jamal Uddin. Professor Hans Schneider Madison, Wisconsin, October 2010, visiting Peter Butkovic. Professor Charlie Macaskill, University of Sydney, August -November 2010, visiting John Blake and the Bubbles Group. Dr Betsy Stovall, (UCLA), August 2010, visiting Neal Bez. Dr Maurizio Martino, Bonn, September 2010, visiting September 2010 |
School of Mathematics, The Watson Building, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK Tel: +44 121 414 6587 |